Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Style Principles of Personal Strategic

Question: Discuss about the Leadership Style Between in INDIA and UK. Answer: Introduction Leadership builds an inspiring vision and influences the followers to achieve it. In a business organization, the leaders set the direction and use their management skills to guide the people towards it. The leadership share skills influenced by the values and the culture of the leader. In global settings, the leadership style can influence the setting and increase the tension in the culturally diverse workplace (Chin, 2013). It is not necessary that the leaders from the same cultural settings exhibit same leadership style; however, some common patterns emerge while studying the leaders of same culture. Even in countries with rapid or sweeping political or economic change, the people have deeply rooted attitudes and beliefs, which appear in the management style of the leaders. The management methods of the leaders are diverse and influenced by the environmental factors (Brookes, 2015). It is a known fact that there are certain behaviors in some cultures which are considered as unacce ptable in other cultures and it can present new challenges for the global business leaders. It is important that the global leaders acknowledges the difference between different cultures and provide flexibility towards them (Taleghani, Salmani and Taatian, 2010). In this regard, this essay will explore the differences between the leadership styles of the British and the Indian leaders. British Culture and Leadership There exists a complex relationship between the leadership style and their native culture as the values and the education of the leaders influence the development of the personal leadership style. In British culture, the leaders are liberal and open-minded. The British managers are casual, helpful, more democratic and seek to be fair in their judgment. However, they have qualities to become ruthless while seeking business profits. They have a long tradition and culture value system and adhere to it in their professional and personal lives (Faaulufalega, 2008). Principals motivate the business students who take a lead by taking strategic decisions (Miller, 2016). Also, the British leaders demonstrate considerable tolerance towards adoption of new changes and take a positive stance to implement the changes in the work lives of the people. The leadership as a process is a circumscribed process and influence by the society wherein it is exercised. The professional development of the leaders is also influenced by the society and the culture of the local community (Faaulufalega, 2008). The success of the leadership is also influenced by the local culture of the place where they are working. The leadership style itself does not matter in the situation where local cultures discourage it. In order to become a successful leader, an individual must possess the required leadership skills such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, motivation, delegation and responsibility. Other than that, the leader must determine that the leadership skills match the culture where the leader works. If it is not present, the leader must adapt the leadership styles with the cultures and the values of the place they are working. The cultural factors also impact on the organization culture (Cooper and Rothmann, 2013). The leader needs to match his/her leadership style with the values, norm and the assumptions of the employees and the workers for effective results. It is specifically important because what works in the British environment might not work in other countries. The definition and the perception of the leadership vary in different cultures and countries. There are certain attributes of the leaders which can be considered as universal or are present in most of the leaders irrespective of their cultural background. However, certain characteristics of the leaders are influenced by the local culture in which the leader has been brought up. It is important for a leader to understand the difference between local culture and the organization culture and tailor his leadership style according to the uniqueness of the culture. It is a common perception that the business leaders should be transformational and charismatic. It is considered that these leaders can enhance the interest of their followers and increase the awareness regarding the mission and the interest of the organization. However, the most important issue is the perception of the followers regarding the leadership and the approach required for effective leadership (Daft, 2007). In the UK, the participative decision-making is promoted wherein the leaders are encouraged to take accountability and responsibility for their actions. However, it is observed that they take a more autocratic approach while taking the final decision. It is observed that the British decision-makers take a number of approaches to encourage the followers to make decisions by building self-belief, offering resources and providing psychological support to the employees to increase their productivity (Hawkins, 2014). In the managerial decision-making, the British leaders take a directive style which can be considered as autocratic and benevolent. The culture of British emphasizes individualism and masculinity in the people which is apparent in the leadership style of the managers. The organization culture has changed over the years; the leaders are adopting different leadership styles to increase the productivity and the engagement of the employees within the organization. The present leadership culture is that of the combination of different styles and skills (Heinemann, 2008). It is expected that the leaders should be participative, authoritative and democratic to balance different tasks with people, to encourage effective leaders in virtual environments and to be able to work with suppliers and other people to be responsible. Charisma is considered as one of the innate characteristics of the leadership; however, the meaning or the perception of charisma is different in different countries. In several cultures, the charisma is considered as the past triumphs of the leaders (Ramsay and Sweet, 2008). As per the above discussion, the leaders must inspire a vision among the followers and motivate them to achieve it. However, the Indian leaders do not focus on the vision and aspire for bold and strong leadership styles (Hawkins, 2014). Indian Leadership and Culture The most prominent leadership schools across the globe is filled with Indian professors and management thinkers. Therefore, it is commonly considered that the Indian culture is conducive of the leadership in business. The global Indian leaders are characterized by the commitment to the inclusive growth and finding workable solutions to difficult problems. However, finding solutions to difficult problems can result in laidback attitude towards the law. The Indian culture also has a profound impact on the development of leadership of the country. It has astounding work of literature which influences various aspects of decision-making of these leaders (Jain, 2013). It can be deduced that these factors have influenced the development of the leadership style of the Indian leaders. It can be stated that the global Indian leaders are ambitious not for themselves but for their companies. Charisma is not a necessary component of their leadership style; however, they focus on taking pragmatic decisions. In order to take better decisions for the company, these people surround themselves with people who are self-confident not self-centered. The Indian leaders at senior managerial positions are motivating towards their subordinates and takes responsibilities when things go badly. Another common feature of the Indian leadership is humility. The Indian leaders are humble and modest unlike British leaders who are more direct in their leadership style. There are also several other demographic factors which impacts the leadership style of the Indian mangers. The Indian culture gives high importance on the education and the performance excellence, they are kno wledgeable, have good work habits and skills. The Indian leaders are performance oriented and try to adopt strategies which can enhance the performance of the firm and the organization in any manner (Carroll and Patterson, 2014). In the present times, innovation is also considered highly important in the organizations success. It is essential for the economic growth and refers to the process of creating valuable ideas which can yield profitable products or services (Carroll and Patterson, 2014). The creativity of an organization is dependent upon the human resources. The creativity can be enhanced in an organization by implementing intrinsic motivation strategies. The creativity of an individual is dependent upon his personality, level of expertise and capability to think in different ways. However, various business organizations are unable to foster innovation in the organization due to the organization culture and the working environment of the organization (Bonnici and Cooper, 2011). The leaders are significant in building the performance of the employees as they are responsible for keeping the employees engaged in intellectually stimulating work and removing the obstacles in their performance. However, it can be perceived that the leadership style of the Indian leaders is not encouraging for the innovation outcomes of an organization. It is consistent with the limited patent filing coming from the Indian companies. The approach of the Indian leaders is to follow specific rules and guidelines which prevent the free thinking of the Indian leaders (Carroll and Patterson, 2014). The leadership style of the India leaders is significantly different from the British leaders. The Indian leaders can be characterized by discipline, work culture and rigid attitude. They are humble and indirect in their course of actions. In my personal observation, I have often observed that the Indian students and colleagues are shy in nature; however, they are highly skilled and intellectual. In order to get their work done, they try to adopt any legitimate means. I have also observed that they are rigid in nature and try to stick to the rules and a specific lifestyle. Adopting new changes is difficult for the Indian people. It is apparent in their leadership style as the Indian people try to follow a specific schedule while working. The Indian people have immense practical and philosophical knowledge. It can be due to their culture wherein several philosophical sayings are passed from one generation to another (Shragle-Law, Samii and Sharma, 2007). In contrast to it, the British leaders are more proactive and try to adopt a friendly attitude towards their subordinates. It can be observed from the nature of the British people that they are more outgoing and risk-taking. Their attitude towards life appears in their leadership style as they do not shy away from taking risky decisions. The British business leaders also promote creativity in the business organizations as they provide a conducive and flexible environment which fosters creativity in the organization. They focus on building trust and belief in their followers so that the employees can be retained and engaged within the organization. As per my personal opinion, the British people try to create a friendly and positive environment; as they are fun loving and participate in a number of team building activities. However, they are self-reliant and take a strong approach while taking the final decision and implementing them (Glass, 2010). Conclusion It can be concluded that the leadership approach is influence by the culture and the upbringing of the leaders. It is important that the leader must be able to acknowledge and realize the differences between the different cultures and adapt their leadership style according to these differences. It is important that the leaders understand that the acceptable behavior in some countries is considered inappropriate in other countries and change their behavior accordingly. It is important to establish a link between the followers and the leader and inspire them to achieve a unified vision. Conclusively, it can be stated that the leadership style of the Indian leaders is completely different from the leadership style of the British leaders. These differences in the development of the leadership style occur due to differences in the value system in these nations. The British leaders are considered as more open-minded and friendly whereas the Indian leaders are mild and tenacious; however, they are highly skillful and intellectual due to their beliefs and heritage. It is important for the leaders to understand the difference between the different cultures and heritage and use it to adapt their leadership style so that they can positively influence their followers. References Schragle-Law, S., Samii, M. and Sharma, N. (2007). Leadership style of Indian managers: a comparative analysis. Bonnici, C.A. and Cooper, B.S. (2011).Creating a Successful Leadership Style: Principles of Personal Strategic Planning. RL Education. Brookes, S. (2015). The Selfless Leader: A Compass for Collective Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan. Carroll, B.C. and Patterson, K. (2014). Servant Leadership: A Cross Cultural Study Between India and the United States. Servant Leadership: Theory Practice 1(1), 16-45. Chin, J.L. (2013). Diversity Leadership: Influence of Ethnicity, Gender, and Minority Status. Open Journal of Leadership 2(1), pp. 1-10. Cooper, C. and Rothmann, I. (2013).Organizational and Work Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology. London: Routledge. Daft, R. 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